Sunday, June 15, 2008

Milk & Water Friendship

We often have examples of friendship and I would like to share my favourite story on friendship between Milk and Water.

The milkman bells the door and gives the packet of milk. The owner adds some water to the milk and pours into an utensil and keeps it on the Stove. The thought process of Milk and Water ...

Water: " Milk is my best friend..I had nothing in purity, the money value...the taste..and the added minerals..calcium..and so many things..Who would give me all that he has in this selfish world..By getting mixed up with the milk..I have attained all the characteristics of milk..and so..he is my best friend and I owe a lot to him"

Milk: " As usual , the owner is going to boil me and later drink and I am going to die very soon..Who in the world will accompany you in the path of death...Water is the best friend and is with me in the worst of situation and so he is my best friend"

As the milk gets heated...

Water: "Since the milk has given me so much..I cannot let it die...I should be the first one to die....and so the water vapours no time and milk is left alone.."

Milk: "In my short span of life, I got the best of friend and he also has left me now....I cannot live without him..and I should die now....I dont want to live..and so the milk decided to commit suicide by falling into the gas stove fire.. "

It comes up gradually above the spill into the Stove and die...the owner sees that...and sprinkles some water on to the milk...As soon as his fren (water) returns back to him..the milk subsides down ...

Post a comment if you like the story :-)


Blogger Scribbler :-) said...

hey Karthik but what did u wanna say with leaves me wit lots of questions to ponder

June 18, 2008 at 9:21 AM  

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