Monday, August 4, 2008

Look back .....

Look back into your life to learn from past mistakes..but dont regret of what you have done. Innumerous decisions which went wrong unfortunately...deeds...thoughts which haunt you often....are all your enemies within yourself. Sometimes they stop you to make one more decision...they instill in you a sense of fear...and is an enemy to the friend inside you.

Life is like a hurdle race and you might fall once and try to overcome a similar hurdle next time with more strength and you need to keep on running....!! Relish your journey and dont run after destinations...I have always maintained that the hurdles are the spices that compliment our existence.

Most of the I have experienced..the thoughts are our prison...and we build a castle of air around it..and dont want to peep outside. Bound by our own thoughts....we limit ourselves. Its like a cage that we build inside ourselves and sometimes we get stuck and cannot come out. Break all bounds....and let yourself free..and I tell you.."You are the Best".

Even I regret over a lot of things...and sometimes unconsolable :-( but as we make way for ourselves thru the unknown path towards an inevitable death..enjoy the path and cherish the moments and the Gods you meet on your way. Everyone of your friends, family, enemies..and infact all those who come into your life are God. They cross your path for a reason. I am sure your tend to learn from almost everybody....sometimes the way you should be..or the way you should NOT be. The so called "Gods" teach you lessons in life.

With all the regrets of past and anxiety,fear and curiosity of the ahead...give a smile to yourself. Try this everyday and smile for yourself once in a while. Or once in a week do something that makes you happy..may be you like egg-pakoda..gulaabjaamun..aalo-tikki-chaat..or going to the temple..or watching a movie....Dont forget yourself in the race. Be Happy :-)


Blogger krishna said...

Agree with your points that there is a reason for everything that happens in this Universe and there is God in everybody... It has been said in Vedas as AHAM BRAHMASMI... means I AM THE GOD... If everybody starts thinking like this... imagine...

One small request...
when you want to look back at ur mistakes as a lesson, why are u not posting a photo facing the world ( challenge ahead )??

You can intrepret as u r moving fwd... let the photo convey that u r coming to us ( the world )...

August 6, 2008 at 11:05 PM  
Blogger Kartik Iyer said...

Reply -

You cannot see the face of a "Leader" ..going thru the hurdle-race journey of life...and hence the photo

August 6, 2008 at 11:14 PM  

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